Notizie da Sololo

Dear Francesco, dear Ines,
may the risen Christ fill your hearts wih joy and hope.
Finaly I have the chance to reply proper. In the attach there are pictures with the new car. On 8th of december because it was also international women day we decided to celebrated little different. We had a mass at 10.oo am, after I blessed the car together with all the people present, then there was a meeting with all the ladyies present and we finished by giving them a small present and a snack(some mandazi and soda). It was a beautifull moment and our comunity was really happy to be present at this event. They were happy because we shared with them the ideea of this loryy which has to serve both mission and hospital. As you can see the body in the back is not yet done. From last week Jhon Kalili is working on it. The iron bars are there it is just to fix them and to install also the chairs. When work will be completet I will share some pictures.
The last few weeks were very intensive. Many meetings, with the catechists with the local parish council, with the bishop and all the priests in marsabit.
We also had election of the new president and then a waiting period until the supreme court validated the new president. We are very hapy than this time around peace was there without any general violance.
Now I am in Nairobi to bring to the airport a lady from Roumania who helped us in Sololo for 7 weeks. She was a teacher and now she is a pshicologist. She had a fruitfull activity in Sololo. We were able to renovate two of the nursery clases, she gave some guideline for the teacher and almost every evening at the parish office more than 20 children were comming to do all kind of activites.
For the next 2 weeks I am alone in the mission. Fr Ledude went for his anual retreat in Burundi. In two weeks time we have an ordination in our diocese, of James Wario from North-Horr. After the ordination I invited salesian sisters to come for a week of camp in SOlolo. My plan is to bring 40-50 youths in the mission and they will be volunteers assisting sisters in their work. For the last three days of thir presence we shal also go in outstations, Torbi Uran and Wayegodha.  I hope and pray only than the sister to be able to arrive in Sololo because of the rains. This year the rains are very heavy. Holly Thursday it took me more than two and a half hours to reach Torbi (usualy is less than one hour), on Sunday Easter Fr Ledude comming from mass he waited for five good hours for the water to pass in the lager next to Rawana. So we are blessed with heavy rain.
DSC04646 DSC04652 DSC04661My dear friends, I finish here for the moment. If you want or need some other informations I will be happy to comunicate as still I am in Nairobi.
Always in my prayer.
Fr Chris
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