Aula informatica: ci scrivono dal St. Martin’s College

Dear Francesco

Greetings from st. Martin. It is my hope that you are well and your colleagues are fine.

The management, staff and trainees of st. Martin de porres teachers college appreciates your great donation of computers to help us establish a community information resource centre where our trainees will learn information technology and the community will have access to information.

This is a dream come true for our institute and the maasai community in this area.It is our belief that we shall accomplish this program together.

We worked together with Mr. Victor and managed to purchase computers , ups and installed programs. The computers are of high quality and we are know waiting for networking. We are anxiously waiting for you and your colleagues.

We pray that our heavenly Father will bless you accordingly .

Thank you and our regards to all your colleagues.

Sr. Prisca

Posted in Iniziative in corso